
Thank You from Red Back Hymnal Article writer Bill Lloyd

Bill Lloyd
Bill Lloyd

“THANK YOU” dear friends of Southern Gospel Music!  I thank God for ALL your prayers during my recent surgery on December 8, 2016, and then my subsequent return to the hospital on Christmas Eve.  I thought the second trip to the hospital might take me through early Christmas Day – at the most, but my stay was actually for 10 days longer.

Sadly, I had to miss ALL my family gatherings and Christmas celebrations – including ALL the delicious foods and cookies, but in it all, I’m pleased to say the CHRIST in CHRISTmas was with me all the way.  I’ve felt His hand and presence through it all.  He has worked many miracles during this time. 
Without going into my health details during all of 2016, just know how much I appreciate all your love and prayers during these times of my hospitalization and recuperation.  I’m grateful for the updates and call to prayer given by Deon & Pam Unthank, as well as all the prayers of you, the many AbsolutelyGospel readers.  Your love and prayers mean more to me than mere words can ever express. 
When I’m able, I look forward to writing and sharing more articles that tell of inspiring grand old songs found in “the old Red Back book” CHURCH HYMNAL.   Thanks again, my friends, and may God bless each and every one of you!

Absolutely Gospel Music

Absolutely Gospel Music is owned and operated by Bev McCann and the Nashville 37201 Media Group.
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