Devotional: Mike Leichner- “PASSION Pt. 2″
Living through God’s ‘nothings
In the book of Acts, 120 gathered in the Upper Room for promised power-10 days in that Upper Room.
Day 1 they prayed
Day 2 they prayed
Day 3 they prayed
for 10 days they prayed
Do you know what happened in those 10 days? Nothing!
We must learn to live through God’s ‘nothings’.
We must keep passion alive in our nothings. You might have heard it said ‘When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.’ When God is doing something, He is doing something. When God is doing nothing, He is still doing something!
When there is only a little meal in the barrel, a little oil in the cruse when the doctor says ‘there is nothing we can do,’ keep passion alive!
Power follows Passion
Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail began to sing. They put passion in their song, in their worship, and their faith. God heard it and power came so mightily that it shook the gates off of their prison cell!
When someone stands behind a mic and sings because they have the talent to sing but there is no passion, power does not come.
Let someone who has a God passion get up and sing and the power comes!
Power follows Passion
Someone can stand before a people and give a speech and call it a sermon. It may be informational and doctrinally sound but power doesn’t come. Yet, let someone display passion and things begin to move. Passion calls to the Spirit and brings the power of God into the situation.
My passion is not supposed to be about me, my ministry or my career. My passion must be about Jesus!
2 Chronicles 16:9 ‘For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.’ This scripture is saying that God is looking for a people who will not allow their faith and ministry to become a form.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus made the 36-mile walk to Samaria? Just for one woman? Passion!!! There was a woman who would drink from the Living Water, go into her town with passion, and return with the entire township and her family. Jesus walked 36 miles for a woman who would have passion! Two thousand years ago Jesus went to the Cross for your sins and mine. There were two thieves, one on the left and one on the right, and Jesus on the middle Cross. One thief mocked Him, and the other with great passion cried out, ‘Lord, remember me’. He received Resurrection power. Many years ago, walking down the aisle in a small church I found my passion. Find your passion and experience power!