Karen Harding
December. Crisp breezes. Howling winds. Snow. End of the year. CHRISTMAS! Just seeing the word makes me happy! I love this Season! Hustle & Bustle! The best music of the year! Joy. People smiling! Lights twinkling! Gift giving and receiving! Happiness! CHRISTMAS! Family & Friends gathering to Celebrate! Laughter! Excitement!
Eating yummy food. Children giggling! CHRISTMAS!
Reading and remembering why we rejoice! A baby was born to give us life! A Savior! Christ The Lord! The Greatest Story Ever Told! He came to us! The perfect present! Wrapped in swaddling clothes. Lying in a manger…
Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father! The Prince of Peace!! JESUS! CHRISTMAS!
Can somebody say “AMEN?”