
In Conversation with Jaquita Lindsey

This month, I sat down with Jaquita Lindsey of 11th Hour. Here’s what she had to say…

Victoria Bowlin: Where are you from, and how old were you when you started singing?

Jaquita Lindsey: I’m from Camden, AR. I started singing at the age of 8.

VB: Tell us a little bit about yourself?

JL: While I enjoy music, I’ve been a licensed cosmetologist for 18 years. In my free time, I enjoy painting furniture and being crafty.

VB: When did you join 11th Hour?

JL: I joined the group in January of 2014.

VB: Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

JL: The biggest influence would have to be Libbi Stuffle. I grew up loving the Perrys as well as the Isaacs, Karen Peck and New River, Kingsmen and Gold City.

VB: What is one of the coolest things you’ve ever gotten to do or be a part of?

JL: I was invited to a fundraiser for The Bridge Ministry a couple of years ago. Singer/songwriter/pianist Jonathan Cain of Journey was one of the guests. At the end, several of us sang “Don’t Stop Believing” with him.

VB: When did you come into a real relationship with Jesus?

JL: Around the age of 28, I came to realize that a lot of my “routine” was just that; routine Christianity. I made a point to get real with Jesus.

VB: What is your most asked question from fans on the road? What is your response?

JL: I get asked constantly if I am Logan’s mom or if I’m Amber’s sister. I laugh and tell them I feel like I’m the whole crew’s mother, but no.

VB: Do you have a favorite funny road story?

JL: Anything involving Logan is funny!

VB: I know that to be a fact HA! Do you feel like God has been teaching you anything lately?

JL: Consistency. In a world where people use any excuse to not have a consistent relationship with God, I need to not allow my flesh to lead me to be inconsistent.

VB: Have you ever written any songs?

JL: Yes, several.

VB: Can we expect anything new from 11th Hour coming out soon? How can people find their schedule and come see you Live?

JL: We don’t have anything new on the horizon. Our last project, A Lot With A Little, was released in September of 2019, so it’s still fairly new. Our website is www.11thhourgg.com, and we have a schedule listed.

Victoria Bowlin

Victoria is a powerful singer, songwriter, author, and Faith-Inspired speaker who gives encouragement and hope through music and personal testimonies. Originally from West Columbia, SC, Victoria's background includes extensive singing and traveling full time with her family, The Shireys and participating in tent revivals held by her late Grandmother, Evangelist Mamie L. Clark. Through deliverance from a serious depression and multiple healings, God is using her testimony to reach countless people.
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