
Scout – Bryan Hutson

Baritone for Soul'd Out QT
Baritone for Soul’d Out QT

My late Father; JC Hutson made me a fan of Western movies. He loved John Wayne, Glen Ford, Kirk Douglas and other western movie stars.

A lot of westerns had a similar plot. A large wagon troup has to travel across a dangerous section of country and the Hero comes along and helps them maneuver obstacles to safety.

Many times, a Scout would be sent out ahead of the caravan to survey the safest route to cross. He would report back to the Hero and inform him what areas to avoid.

I sometimes see myself as the Scout.

It’s not because I’m an expert, but unfortunately, I’ve taken many wrong paths and trails and I know what areas to avoid.

So, one of my passions is to help guide and direct those coming behind me.

See, most people will listen to someone who’s “been there, done that.” God allows us to go through situations so that we can help someone else down the road.
God’s word is FULL of words of truth and instruction.
I want to encourage you to begin to read the book of Proverbs.
There are SO many nuggets of TRUTH in those chapters. Truth about avoiding sexual temptations, lying, dishonest friends and how (when we follow God’s statutes), that we will blessed.
Begin TODAY. Go to Proverbs and begin reading on the chapter that coincides with today’s date. If it’s the 8th day of the month, read Proverbs 8.
Is God calling YOU to be a Scout or a mentor?
Ask God to lead you to a same sex friend that you can help.
You CAN make a difference in someone’s life.

 1 Peter 2:21“For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.”

Prayer starter: “Father, thank you for YOUR TRUTH. Help me to reach out to someone with your word and may they be directed toward YOU. In Jesus name. Amen”

Bryan Hutson

Bryan Hutson; 24 year veteran of southern gospel music now travels and ministers with his wife Yvonne in Rescue Me Ministries.
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