
Leaping Babies and Lavish Praise – Dr. Tim Hill

Dr. Tim Hill -Singer - Songwriter - Author - General Overseer of the Church of God
Dr. Tim Hill -Singer – Songwriter – Author – General Overseer of the Church of God

In Luke 1:46 Mary proclaimed these words, “My soul doth magnify The Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”

The miracles that surround the birth of Jesus are many. Miracles of prophecy and provision. Miracles of mercy and meaning.

When Mary traveled to the hill country and announced to Elizabeth that she was carrying the messiah, Elizabeth’s own baby leaped within the womb. Elizabeth linked Mary’s visit to the movement of her own baby by acknowledging that her announcement validated the purpose of her own child (John the Baptist) being born. After all, if there was no Jesus, then there was no need for John the Baptist.

Upon witnessing the visible blessing of Elizabeth, Mary began to speak out the wonderful proclamation of praise that became known as the “Magnificat.” She declared “My soul doth magnify the Lord and my Spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior”.

Look carefully at her statement of praise and worship.

Mary’s Praise was Internal

Mary’s innermost being was rejoicing as she proclaimed  ‘My Soul” doth magnify. This was not surface nor shallow praise nor was it merely an emotional outlay of exuberance.

Mary’s praise involved her will, her mind as well as her emotions. No one made her worship and it was never forced from her, but  she willingly engaged her mind to meditate on God’s goodness until finally there erupted from within her spirit a shout of admiration that glorified her creator.

This was David’s kind of praise
when he said in Psalm 103:1
“Bless the Lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me, Bless His holy name.”

Secondly, Mary’s Praise was Intense

Her use of the word “magnify” is most significant. Mary had encountered a divine presence and had been changed by divine power. This  encounter evoked her highest praise.

Edward Perronet, missionary to India experienced this level of praise when in 1779 he wrote…
“All hail the power of Jesus name,
Let Angels prostrate fall
Bring forth the royal diadem
and crown him Lord of all.

Finally, Mary’s Praise was Intentional

Her thoughts were entirely upon The Lord and she very was focused. She knew that no one else deserved this kind of praise. Be reminded at this Christmas Season that The Lord Jesus has no contemporary. None can compare to Him.

All the Glory belongs to him.

In Isaiah 42:8 God’s word declares “I
am The Lord. That is my name. I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. ”

David said in Psalm 40:5 “Many, Lord my God are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you. Were I to speak and tell of your deeds they would be too many to declare.”

Though Christmas time is indeed special and our hearts are turned toward the babe in the manger, may we remember that He is worthy of our praise every season and every hour of every day…all year long.

Like Mary, may we also declare that our soul does magnify the Lord.

Dr Timothy Hill

Dr. Timothy Hill currently serves as General Overseer of the Church of God. He has also served as the general director of World Missions; First Assistant General Overseer; Second Assistant General Overseer; Secretary General of the Executive Committee at the International Offices of the Church of God; Chairman of the Executive Council of the Church of God; and as Administrative Bishop for the Church of God in Southern Ohio and Oklahoma. Hill graduated from Lee University, Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1987, and received a Doctorate of Divinity from the Church of God Theological Seminary, Cleveland, Tennessee, in 2006. Hill has released a book entitled, “Beyond the Mist,” which has also been translated into Spanish. He has authored five books of sermons and written 150 gospel songs over the past 32 years. Many of his songs have been recorded by the nation’s top artists in gospel music. Hill is the author of the number one song, “He’s Still in the Fire,” which was voted as Song of the Year by Gospel Voice Magazine.
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