Unexplainable, Undeniable Love
It’s February. The month of Love. I want to talk about a love that will never fail. A love that will not hurt you. A love you can believe in. A love you can trust. Yes, the unexplainable, undeniable love of Jesus! Oh, what a love! It’s hard to understand the depths of His love. He gave His life for mine! So many wonderful songs have been written about God’s love for us! The Love of God, Love Lifted Me, Oh How He Loves You and Me, and a really old one I remember hearing The Gospel Echoes (Buck Rambo, Dottie Rambo and Shirley Cohron) sing…”Oh, What a Love that He gave me, Oh, what a peace in my soul, Oh, what a joy when He saved me, cleansed me and made me whole!” The verse says “Giving His life to redeem me, holding my hand day by day, giving me hope for tomorrow, hearing each time that I pray”. I was a young girl, this was on vinyl on our old stereo, but somehow, the words got in my spirit and are still there! Oh, what a LOVE!! The precious, unchanging, never-failing, LOVE of God!
Can somebody say “AMEN”?? Blessings!!