TaRanda Releases The Healing
TaRanda Greene has long been known for her undeniably excellent vocal talent, but now, there’s a difference.
Today, TaRanda releases The Healing, available from StowTown Records on Provident/Sony Distribution. The voice – as beautiful and exquisite as ever – does more than just tickle the ear, it takes you on a journey with one theme – the faithfulness of God.
TaRanda has been through some tough moments in life, and you can hear that experience in her voice. She is no stranger to heartache and pain – experiencing the health battles of her late husband Tony Greene, and ultimately, his passing – but she knows one thing for sure: God will never leave you or forsake you, and He is always in the process of bringing healing through His mercy, grace and redemption.
The Healing is her first full project of new music since 2014, and there’s good reason. TaRanda explains, “My record company had been trying to get me to record a new CD for a while now, but it just seemed that nothing was going right. I loved the songs that were sent to me, but nothing really clicked and resonated with me like I wanted. I was having trouble connecting…so, I kept dragging my feet. In an attempt to get me moving on something, StowTown set up a time for me to write with some of my favorite writers. I’d never really done this before. The one time I tried was over a decade ago and for a much different type of project. And if I’m being honest, I was probably more “in the room” than a part of writing. So, here I was in the perfect creative space, with three writing and musical geniuses, and more importantly, three of my most precious friends: Wayne Haun, Joel Lindsey and Geron Davis. What came from that day was the beginning of The Healing.”
What took three years to complete is a musical gift to the soul. From the rollicking and upbeat tunes “Think About You,” “New Kingdom Rising,” “Somebody Told Me About Jesus,” to the pensive and thoughtful compositions “When The Healing Comes” and “Mercy Has Changed Me,” this musical experience is truly a journey, and it took a village to make it happen! TaRanda comments, “I can’t even imagine the countless hours put into this project. I really feel like everyone involved, from the first day in the studio to the last day of mastering, felt this one is special. Each musician put their heart and soul into making it live and breathe. I asked the masterful Wayne Haun to oversee the production of the CD, but I wanted to treat each song as a unique piece, so Wayne and I discussed the treatment of each one. In the end, there were seven producers involved – Wayne Haun, Jason Michael Webb, Keith Everette Smith, Virgil Stafford, Jim Hammerly, Carol Cymbala, Bradley Knight and me. Each song came with its individual list of musicians, background singers, instrumentation, and vibe. Every arrangement, every note played and every syllable sung – and the ones that weren’t – were on purpose. Sometimes we’d be in the studio changing the chart as we went along because as I sang along, we’d have another idea to really bring a certain word or chord progression alive. Here we stand, a finished project that was three years in the making . . . but as I look back on it, I think I’ve been in the process preparing for this my entire life. These songs declare that a merciful, loving Savior was bruised for our iniquities, took the stripes upon His back for our healing, died for our transgressions, rose from the grave for our freedom, and will return to take us home where we’ll live with Him completely healed in the presence of Jesus! And OH! How I can hardly wait for the day when the healing comes!”
A very special moment is included on the project – a new live recording of the classic, “He’s Been Faithful,” featuring the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, recorded at the church during one of TaRanda’s appearances. “When I was at my lowest and darkest, when I felt like I couldn’t sing another note, Jim & Carol Cymbala (Brooklyn Tabernacle’s Pastor and Choir Director) put me on a plane, pushed me and told me that God had given me a gift to use to encourage people,” TaRanda shares. “These two people will never know how much they were used by God to help me heal in my life. There is nothing like singing with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir! I am so excited that this song and moment has been captured forever.”
Although TaRanda has experienced her share of grief along the way, God always has an amazing way of exchanging beauty for ashes and bringing us through our darkest days into new seasons of joy. Today, she is married to Landon Beene, president of IMC Management and StowTown Records. They have blended their precious families and are a testament to the power of God’s love and grace. TaRanda is more inspired than ever to share the restorative grace – the healing power of HIS LOVE – with the world.
The Healing is distributed by Provident/Sony and is available worldwide via iTunes, Amazon, your local Christian retailer and wherever Christian music is sold.
The Healing Track List:
1. Mercy Has Changed Me
2. When the Healing Comes
3. Think About You
4. The Stone Is Rolled Away
5. Uphill Climb
6. New Kingdom Rising
7. Nothing but the Blood Medley
8. Somebody Told Me About Jesus
9. Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb
10. He’s Been Faithful (Live Recording featuring The Brooklyn Tabernacle)